Spring is official now, and not just because the calendar says so. The first day of Spring is March 21 in my book - because that's my birthday, and I say so. March 20 is jumping the gun. Anyways, I celebrated my birthday - I mean, the first day of Spring- with a tradition I started just a few years ago. I bought myself a quality pair of gardening gloves. They are pretty, and feel so nice, it almost seems a shame to destroy them. But I promise to wear them out by Fall if not sooner. I also replaced a couple of broken tools, and splurged on a snazzy gardening stool which promises to save wear and tear on my back and knees. (thanks Billy for the birthday splurge!) This afternoon I dirtied my new gloves with the first of many hours weeding and transplanting in the yard. I planted a blooming pink gerber daisy and a purple clematis bulb in the bed around my mailbox. I dug up the hens & chicks at the mailbox and moved them the memorial bed in the center of the yard. (when my lil sister died unexpectedly two years ago, I planted a Japanese Maple in her memory. Under the tree I placed the memorial stone I received when my dad died almost 6 years ago. Last summer we added memorial stone pawprints from Chula, our nearly-17yo dog who died in July. There are plants emerging all over the yard, and the new growth excites me. As always, I have grand intentions for my yard and garden.
So I thought this seemed like a good time to start my blog. My new blog. I abandoned my old one a long time ago. Lots of life changes in the last few years, lots of time spent figuring out who I am - who I want to be. I have several people depending on me and a lot going on in my life, and I sometimes I lose myself. I lose focus and I lose joy and I wonder what I'm doing. I'm hoping this might be just the place I need to keep me grounded. I signed up for Shimelle's "Blogging for Scrapbookers" class after reading about it on my bff Cheri's blog. I'm late to the party (I usually am) but I'm going to try to catch up. So here goes, I have grand intentions for this blog, like my garden, and I know I can get it to grow.